Homeschool High School and Special Needs - Social Studies

For High School our state requires the following for Social Studies: Three units of history and government, which shall include world history; United States history; United States government, including the Constitution of the United States; concepts of economics and geography Here is how I plan to meet the requirement and teach my daughter who has Down syndrome. Veritas Press is a product I have continued to use since reviewing it. In middle school Gess has completed the first two in the self-paced history courses which were Old Testament and Ancient Egypt and New Testament Greece and Rome . This year she will be completing Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation . That will be part of "world" history. The self-paced series is considered an elementary level curriculum but it offers a way for me to give her one class that I don't have to teach. It allows her some independence that way. Gess loves the way it is presented and with quizzes often done via games, ...